New Release: Roundtable TSMS 11.4

Did you miss it? The latest release of Roundtable TSMS is now available. Roundtable TSMS 11.4 rolls-up all 11.2 service packs and also includes new features, enhancements, and bug fixes.

What’s New in Roundtable TSMS 11.4?

Support for Managing Horizontal Table Partitioning Attributes for Your Workspace Database Schema – This includes the ability to enable partitioning for your PDBASE Objects and specify the appropriate partitioning attributes for PFILE assignments and index definitions. Both Workspace Schema Update and Workspace Schema Load support the partitioning features.  This functionality is available in both the standard GUI and plug-in clients.

11.4 Horizontal Table Partitioning 1

Enable table partitioning for your PDBASE Objects.

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Specify PFILE assignment as partitioned.

Enhanced Workspace Deployments Processing to Allow You to Export Any Defined Partition Policies in Your Physical Workspace Databases – If this option is selected, partition policy data is included in your deployments. This partition policy data will automatically be loaded at your end-user sites as well when using the Roundtable Setup and Update procedures to process your deployment packages.

11.4 Enhanced Workspace Deployments

Include partition policies from Workspace database with deployment.

New Security Permission for Controlling Access to Workspace Sources Definitions – With this new permission, you can easily limit which users have the ability to update or add Workspace Sources thus maintaining tighter control of how changes flow through the development lifecycle.

11.4 New Security Permission for Workspace Sources

Determine which users can manage Workspace Sources.

Roundtable TSMS 11.4 is now live on Progress ESD or available through your local representative.   Please see the Product Update Bulletin for a full list of changes and enhancements.

For more information about Roundtable TSMS, Software Configuration Management for Progress OpenEdge development, contact Roundtable sales or visit
