May 2024 Roundtable TSMS release 12.6.1 OpenEdge Version Compatibility ------------------------------ Roundtable TSMS release 12.6.x is compatible with OpenEdge 11.7 and greater. The Roundtable TSMS Repository database must be OpenEdge Database release 11.x or greater. GUI Client and Server issues addressed from 12.6.0 to 12.6.1 Task# Summary --------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4699 Partner Sites - Online Partner Deployment Missing GUID Value When creating an online partner deployment, the deployment record that is automatically created is not getting a GUID value. Subsequent deployments are getting the following error: Procedure: 'create_wip_deployment rtb/p/rtb_psloadext.p' Line:283) ** Brtb_deploy already exists with GUID "". (132) 4703 Compile - PROPATH Changes Impact Performance When compiling objects, we update the PROPATH prior to each object compilation. Based on new findings, this can cause a performance degradation when compiling in some instances. 4704 API - Registry Library The following error occurs when compiling via the API: "User-defined function 'fnRtbGetRegistryValue' invoked dynamically but could not be found. (5639)" 4707 Tabletop - Shelf Default Sort & Open Options Make the initial sort on the Shelf Browser be more useful, and allow option to open Shelf items in AppBuilder or Procedure Editor. 4708 Tabletop - Update ABL TV Default Folder Images Update default folder images with more modern look. 4711 Import - User-id Blank After Initial Build The import control table query is not refreshed after the initial import table build. 4712 Tasks - Many WIP Tasks Causes Issue When Repositioning to Current Task When opening the Tasks maintenance window, repositioning to the active Task causes widget senstivity issues if the Task is outside of the initial batch of fetched records. Roundtable TSMS 12.6.0 ---------------------- Please see the Product Update Bulletin for a description of new and revised features. Support ------- US, CANADA, and EUROPE: US and CANADA: EUROPE: LATIN AMERICA, AFRICA, AND ASIA/PACIFIC: Please contact the Progress Software Technical Support center for your region to receive front-line support. We appreciate your continued use of Roundtable Software! - Roundtable Development Team Attributions ------------ Some icons by Yusuke Kamiyamane. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.