May 2019 Roundtable TSMS release 11.8.2 OpenEdge Version Compatibility ------------------------------ Roundtable TSMS release 11.8.x is compatible with OpenEdge 11 and greater. The Roundtable TSMS Repository database must be OpenEdge Database release 10.x or greater. GUI Client and Server issues addressed from 11.8.1 to 11.8.2. Task# Summary / Detail --------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4427 Deployments - Schema Update INT64 Issue The deployment schema update routine is not applying an INT to INT64 update. 4433 Internal - Deleting a Workspace Does not Delete Schema Objects Part of the Workspace deletion process is to delete Workspace references. However when deleting Workspace Objects only PCODE and DOC Objects are deleted. 4443 Internal - Prevent DataServer Objects as Domains Prevent domain assignment of schema Objects to non-dataserver PDBASE. This causes issues later when someone tries to check-out the schema Objects. 4445 Schema - Error 3136 Generated When Loading Dataserver Schema The following error is generated when loading dataserver schema. "More than one _Index records found by a unique FIND. (3166)" 4447 API - Error Thrown During Object Check-out The following error is thrown when using the check-out API in AppServer mode: "User-defined function 'fnRtbGetTaskShareStatus' invoked dynamically but could not be found. (5639)" 4460 Internal - StorageArea Error During Schema Update When updating schema, the following error can occur: "**StorageArea record not on file. (138)" 4462 Tabletop - Compile Ghost Window Sometimes after an Object compilation, a 'ghost' window appears. GUI Client and Server issues addressed from 11.8.0 to 11.8.1. Task# Summary / Detail --------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4410 Internal - Error 486 During Schema Update When updating schema that has an index rename and the table is frozen, an error 486 is thrown. 4411 Tools - Clean Up Task Deployment Tool Improve user experience of the Task Deployment tool. 4412 Tabletop - UI Flashing The Tabletop recent-views button and main menu flashes when items are selected. 4413 Utilities - Module Load Improvements Allow for multiple selection of Workspace Modules for loading. 4415 Internal - Error When Opening PFILE Triggers UI When opening the PFILE triggers UI, the following error is thrown: rtb/sdo/rtb_u_filtrig_cl.r Database rtb not connected. (1006) 4416 Internal - CRC Issue With Schema Update A CRC-changing field modification does not always effect a change to the parent PFILE thus resulting in not all programs getting recompiled as needed during a selective compile. 4417 Internal - CRC Issue With Load Schema A CRC-changing field modification does not always effect a change to the parent PFILE thus resulting in not all programs getting recompiled as needed during a selective compile. 4418 Internal - Unexpected Error When Creating Backup An unexpected error can occur when creating an Object backup after moving it to a new Task: Unexpected error occurred in 'create_backup rtb/p/rtb_s_backup.p' for user 'xxx'. ** No Brtb_backup record is available. (91 Roundtable TSMS 11.8 -------------------- Please see the Product Update Bulletin for a description of new and revised features. Support ------- US, CANADA, and EUROPE: US and CANADA: EUROPE: LATIN AMERICA, AFRICA, AND ASIA/PACIFIC: Please contact the Progress Software Technical Support center for your region to receive front-line support. We appreciate your continued use of Roundtable Software! Roundtable Development Team Attributions ------------ Some icons by Yusuke Kamiyamane. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.