March 2015 Roundtable TSMS release 11.4.1 GUI Client and Server issues addressed from 11.4.0 to 11.4.1. Task# Summary / Detail --------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 4129 Tabletop - Export Partition Policies Toggle Does Not Move With Resize When resizing the Deployments window, the Export Partition Policies toggle box does not move along with the resize. This widget should be added to the resizeable list. 4130 Reports - Mismatched Data Types Error When Running Informal Xref Remove unnecessary Product Module parameter. 4131 Internal - Extent Fields Not Permitted in Word Index Although OpenEdge databases allow an extent field to participate in a Word index, Roundtable TSMS does not allow a PFIELD definition with an extent to be added to an index. If a PFIELD without an extent is already a participant of a Word index, Roundtable does allow the PFIELD to be modified to have an extent. Modify to allow for: * Add a field with an extent to a Word index. * Add an extent to field that participates in an index ONLY if the index is a Word index. 4133 Internal - Pacific AppServer Testing and Support The SERVER-CONNECTION-CONTEXT set during the log-in process is not being persisted. 4134 Utilities - Add "All" Option to Module Load Add an "All' option for the Module selection on the Module Load UI to scan all Modules in single run. 4137 Internal - Unexpected Error When Creating Variant at Partner Site When attempting to create a variant at a partner site (or attempting to erroneously check out an object that doesn't belong to your site), the following error is generated: Unexpected error occurred in 'rtb_get_object_next_version rtb/p/rtb_s_obj.p' for user 'bob'. ** FIND FIRST/LAST failed for table B2rtb_ver. (565) This seems to happen at partner sites that do not have the entire version history but only the latest root version and later as the version returned by fnRtbGetLevelFirstVersion() doesn't exist in the repository. 4139 Compile - Compile Error Reporting Shows Only First Line There are some cases where objects with multiple compiler errors only results in the first error being shown. 4140 Internal - Incorrect ADM2 Reference Saving a SmartDataBrowser in the AppBuilder always reverts the src/adm2 references. Change to rtb/admtwo. 4146 Internal - Schema Update Error for OE 10.2B DB Due to a missing IF lPartitionDB THEN construct, the schema update logic for updating the physical database is attempting to dynamically address _file_file-attributes[] which does not exist in 10.2B and throws an error when an index is added or updated. 4148 Internal - Drop Trigger Bug in Schema Update Mismatched parameter error occurs during schema update upon the drop of a file trigger. 4149 Internal - 'Database not connected' Error in Schema Update If a Schema Update list contains updates for multiple databases and either 1) the RTB session is distributed or 2) the RTB session is client/server AND the "Connect Workspace databases preference is not checked, then the Schema Update will fail with the message "Database xxx is not connected. (1006)". 4150 Tabletop - Inactive Subtype and New Object UI Inactive subtype causes "Invalid Value" message for New Object window. 4151 Tabletop - File Open Dialog Throws Error If the AppBuilder is not installed, the following error is generated when the File > Open dialog is displayed: "adeuib/_uibinfo.p was not found. (293)" 4152 Tabletop - Error Performing Import Table Search The following error is generated when performing a search on the Import list via AppServer: "User-defined function 'fnRtGetAllowNonUnique' invoked dynamically but could not be found. (5639)" 4153 Internal - Index Attributes1 Field Set to Invalid Value If schema is loaded from a pre-11.4 OpenEdge database, the logical schema field rtb.rtb_index.rtb_index-attributes1 is set to the unknown value (?). 4154 Utilities - Fix Schema Load Tree Node Collapse/Expand An error is generated when collapsing and then re-expanding the root node in Load Schema. 4155 Tabletop - Disabled Delete Button in Group Delete Utility Window When using the Group Delete from the Tabletop menu, the Delete button stays disabled, after clicking an object on the list. On the second object the delete button becomes enabled. 4156 Internal - Brtb_file Record Not on File Error During Schema Update A "Brtb_file record not file" error is produced during schema update if a PDBASE Object is checked-out but no schema updates are made that affect PFILE assignment properties or PFILE definitions. Roundtable TSMS release 11.4.0 OpenEdge Version Compatibility ------------------------------ Roundtable TSMS release 11.4.x is compatible with OpenEdge 10.2B and greater. The Roundtable TSMS Repository database must be OpenEdge Database v10 or higher. Roundtable 11.4 --------------- Please see the Product Update Bulletin for a description of new and revised features. Support ------- US, CANADA, and EUROPE: US and CANADA: EUROPE: LATIN AMERICA, AFRICA, AND ASIA/PACIFIC: Please contact the Progress Software Technical Support center for your region to receive front-line support. We appreciate your continued use of Roundtable Software. Roundtable Development Team